Monday, March 7, 2011


Don't call it a comeback, I just forgot about this thing almost immediately.  Just like everything else I try to work on, I get side-tracked by random shit and just forget to update.  So to kick things off, I'm going to give an itemized list of why my life in unfulfilled:

1.) No job.  Not even a one.  I don't believe that life is determined by your job, but still, most people my age have their shit together by now

2.) No money.  Again, I'm not very materialistic, but I like to be able to buy things, to go out with friends, go see concerts, and get drunk.  Being near broke has stopped that from happening.

3.) Boredom.  I live in a constant state of boredom.  Sure, there are things I can do that cost no money, especially thanks to the internet, but I don't, which segues into my next point:

4.) Lazy.  I am lazy as fuck.

So that's it.  Hopefully, this second attempt to let a small corner of the internet know what goes on in my life works.  Hopefully, I'll be motivated


  1. Nice start mate, post more and more! Clicked and followed.

  2. It is of my belief, that every man has the right to get himself smashed whenever he wants. And because of that, I support you.

  3. interesting read :o +followed and such

  4. Sounds so familiar.
    Keep up the blogging. I find it decreases boredom by increasing distraction and also provides motivation.

  5. Hey man well keep it up, I'm following :)

  6. honestly very depressing. iam going to follow you, mb this will cheer you up a lil bit

  7. I'll give you a tip, fix Xbox 360s for some fast cash. Get a kit off ebay for 10 bucks and charge $30 to fix them. I did this on my college campus and made bank.

  8. awh man sounds depressing as hell

  9. Haha this sounds kinda like myself at the moment.
    Here's to a brighter tomorrow.

  10. What about your love life? Damn, I hope I didn't depress you even more now :/

  11. Shit man, hope your situation gets better soon! Sounds like me too though :/

  12. Good story, bro! Following for sure, write some more!

  13. Well, I'm in an exactly same condition
