Monday, May 30, 2011

3 Days Down, 1 to Go

I have been partying my ass off the past several days.  Friday it was drinks and B movies, Saturday was a bonfire and swag, and last night was ANOTHER bonfire, a real fucking huge one at points, and tonight some more friends are throwing another party.  I haven't partied this much since college.  I am feeling pretty thrashed.  And I've spent a decent chunk of cash.  But I do not care.  This is a bender.  Cutting back a little after this week, mostly for my wallet's sake, until my most recent money-making scheme starts to take effect.  Also, i'm setting up a resume to apply for a part time position with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources as a warden.  Seems like a pretty sweet gig.

Also, yesterday (Sunday) was the 14 year anniversary of Jeff Buckley's death.  So here's "Hallelujah."  I still get chills listening to it, and personally, I think it's even better that Leonard Cohen's version.  Mainly because the emotion behind it seems so much more powerful.