Monday, July 11, 2011

If you give a mouse a cookie...

It'll get all up in your shit.  Wanted!

One of these bastards is rolling around my basement right now.  Debating how to deal with it.  He has become crafty.  Attempted to take a broom to it, but it has evaded that.  Began throwing things at it as it ran around, but it has hidden itself.  It's learning.  And as I lay on my futon, i feel like its crawling on me, even though I know it is not nearly ballsy enough for that.  My dad is going to pick up either poison or a trap tomorrow, so we'll see how this plays out.  Your days are numbered.  I'm sick of these motherfucking mice in my motherfucking basement.

Sorry for the Snakes on a Plane reference.  It crossed the line


  1. ewh :S

    the picture looks pretty "cute", but your story is pretty serious ... hopefully u'll get rid of those motherf***ing mice asap!

  2. Awwww poor mousie. I have cats, and one of them came to me with a mouse in it's mouth, and I felt sorry for the poor thing. I'd encourage you to get a humane trap, but it's up to you.

  3. who's afwaid of the iddy biddy mouse? ;)

  4. I had a mouse living in my fucking toaster a couple of years back. And that was with three cats in the house. I named it Dolph Lundgren for its badassness.

  5. I've had a mouse for awhile now. My girlfriend named him Ben. We've never actually seen him but there is some strong evidence for his existence. She wants to get a trap but I won't allow it. If that makes me seem like a pussy I suppose that's fair.

  6. Mice suck once they get in your place. They wait until you go to sleep and then poop in your shoes

  7. Let's put it this way... he's no longer an issue.

  8. I'm afraid of the big scary rats! +follow
