Saturday, May 19, 2012

Return to Hell

Diablo II is one of my favorite games of all time.  I have played the shit out of that game over the course of my life.  The first Diablo came about in my formative computer gaming years, and I played it and loved it.  So when Diablo III was officially in development, I was pretty stoked.  I waited.  And it got pushed back.  And I waited some more.  And it got pushed back.  And just when I was about ready to forget about it, it got pushed back one final time.  Then, it came out.  And I bought it, got it shipped the day of, and have subsequently played the shit out of it.  In that idea, I come to my definitive statement regarding the newest installment of one of my favorite franchises of all time: It still feels like Diablo, and I am having a blast playing it.  There are changes, some of which I don't like, but overall, I really like it.  So that's what I've been up to.


  1. I'm glad that it's the same to you. I had thought that fans might not be so receptive.

  2. It's not entirely the same, but the feel of Diablo is there. Most of the changes are just minor things, some annoying, some not

  3. You're playing D3? I'm surprised you found time to write this post. ;)

  4. I'm confused as to why it took 12 fuckin' years to make a sequel. I could finish an animation in that time!

  5. I have seen a ton about this in some of the more intelligent (not saying much) places online so it really must be the tits. About the only vidja gaming I do nowadays is Wii with my girlfriend's kids.
