Friday, June 1, 2012

I will show you fear in a handful of dust

Last Saturday was my reluctant birthday.  The day commemorating my burst from womb those 26 years ago.  Twas my golden birthday.  I hate my birthdays usually, but the lead up and the fall out of this one has been the worst.  Well, the worst so far.  I have become a hollow shell, not to mention incredibly unhappy over the past few weeks.  God, fuck this shit.


  1. Hey man, regardless of the past few weeks, have a good one today. :D

  2. Have a cool birthday. I could make it cool, I guess...
    if I could send you our weather.

  3. I'm sorry your birthday was so unwelcome. If people aren't happy then usually birthdays are a load of shit. It's just another time for you to think "Fuck, I'm getting older, and I've not really done anything yet." I'm younger than you and that's how I feel anyway.

  4. My birthday was today. I wasn't that excited for it either. :\
